Challenge Me. Challenge Yourself.

The path to becoming a writer is full of holes. The metaphorical, self-deprecating kind you fall into and find it hard to get out of. Sometimes you can dodge these pit falls, but sometimes its inevitable. The chief amonst these is procrastination. A writer who doesn't write, isn't a writer. More over, writers who can't come up with ideas... are lying to themselves.

I want to prove to you that you can generate ideas. And lots of them at that.
I also want to challenge myself.
  • Send me any writing prompt you like, whether it's something you don't want to write or don't have the time to write, or completely off the top of your head, to: or post in the comments here.
  • Any truly means ANY. I'm giving you permission to be unlimited.
  • The flash fiction that comes of these prompts will be post here once a week without fail, along with a short prompter biography (if you're a writer I'll link to your social media, your sales pages, or just speak a bit about what you're doing). 
  • These will never be published for profit. I won't even contemplate it unless you agree before hand.
 So there you have it.

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